How To Set Goals And Actually Achieve Them
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Youth Mentors of the Pee Dee Charity Golf Tournament
August 6, 2021
How To Set Goals And Actually Achieve Them
June 19, 2021
Youth Mentors of the Pee Dee Charity Golf Tournament
August 6, 2021
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The Keys to a Good Mentoring Relationship

Mentoring is a process that can be difficult to define. But, it’s not hard to understand the benefits of having a mentor in your life. Mentors are people who have been through what you’re going through and want to help you along the way. You may not know where to start or how this person will benefit you, but we’re here with some advice on how to find the right mentee-mentor match for your needs!

1) Find someone who has been in a similar position as you are now. This will help them understand your perspective on the matter and they’ll know what to look out for during this process.

2) Look at their experience level – if you’re unsure where to start, reach out to people with more experience than yourself! They have had time to learn from their mistakes and can offer advice that is grounded by real-world experiences. If an advisor doesn’t have enough information about something, it’s likely because they haven’t needed it yet or dealt with it personally so don’t be afraid of asking questions!

What Should I Look For When Finding A Mentor?

The best mentors are those who have similar skills, expertise, and experience as you do. They should be able to offer advice that is grounded in real-world examples of their own experiences. It can also be beneficial for the mentor themselves because they will learn new things from working with a younger colleague!

What Are The Benefits Of Having A Mentor?

Mentors provide guidance through difficult times or transitions. If you’re looking for someone to guide your career path, help you navigate unfamiliar territory, assist with getting into graduate school or steer you through certain challenges – it’s hard to beat having an experienced professional by your side! Some even say mentoring relationships transform lives as well as careers! Find out what you can do to take your career or life in a new and exciting direction.

What if I don’t know where to start?

If you’re unsure of who might be the best mentor for you, try searching on LinkedIn! They have an “Advanced People Search” that will allow you to search by skillset. One example is typing in “marketing expert”. Click on the drop-down menu labeled “skills”, find marketing under those options, then select it as well. You’ll see all experts within your network with marketing expertise available for mentorship!

How Do I Start A Mentoring Relationship?

The first step would be reaching out via email – ideally establishing some sort of rapport before getting into specifics. It’s also a good idea to have an agenda for your meeting before you meet with the mentor. What are some of the questions or challenges they can help answer? Who is this relationship going to be most beneficial for? Some other things that might come up during your discussion could include how often meetings will take place and if there are any restrictions on who may join in one of these sessions.

How Often Do I Meet With My Mentor And For How Long?

The time frame and frequency of interactions should depend largely on what you need from them! If it helps, think about what their goals are – do they want to make connections within your network, help with networking events, advice on landing new clients, etc.? That will give you a better idea of what you can expect from the mentoring relationship.

What Is The Bottom Line?

The bottom line is that mentors can make a big difference in your life. They’re there to help you navigate the rough waters of what could be an unfamiliar path, guide and support you through career transitions or offer advice on how best to take advantage of opportunities when they arise. Turn to someone who has been where you are now – because it’s never too early for guidance!